
2 Months


Midnight fun with photo booth

This cute girl is two months old now – well, about a week ago, but she got her 2 month shots today, so it’s official. Considering she was fighting for her life in the PICU a little over a month ago, I’m pretty excited about this.

It’s funny how much the little achievements matter now, whereas with Josephine I was always focused on the “next big thing” (like walking, sitting, crawling…). With Olive, I get excited if she starts kicking her legs, or turns her head towards me, or opens her hands on her own. Today she took a bottle like a champ and I was so thrilled.

The great news is, she is really doing remarkably well, given all that she’s been through. She’s on par developmentally, and right now her therapists don’t see much to worry about. Over time, we may start seeing more effects of her stroke, but I’m really trying to take this one day at a time. It’s when I think about the future that I get really anxious, because there are just so many unknowns.

Olive is a busy girl for a two month old! She has weekly physical and speech therapy, she meets with a dietician every other week, and she is also seeing a GI doctor, her neuroseurgeon, and a pediatric neurologist. I’m finally a “planner person,” because of all the stuff I have to keep track of.

As far as favorites go, Liv loves her sister – Josie never fails to calm her down or get a smile out of her. She loves music and having mommy sing to her. She also loves being swaddled by her Daddy. And if you pat her bum while you’re cuddling her, she’ll fall asleep almost immediately. We’re hoping that one lasts through the toddler years.

After all we’ve been through, I am just so grateful to have Miss Olive Eloise in my life – even more than I was before, if that’s possible! She is such a sweet little girl, so patient and happy. We all adore her and are so happy to have her in our family!

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